Marie Kondo Is The Tiny-Tidying Fairy Taking Over The Internet

Is de-cluttering really so simple?


Marie Kondo is a tidying expert, best-selling author and star of Netflix’s hit show, “Tidying Up With Marie Kondo”.


Now, I’m really not sure what the difference is between a “tidying expert” and a professional organizer, but this lady seems to be taking the internet by storm with her KonMari Method and changing lives, for the better!

What is the “KonMari” method?

According to Kondo’s website: “The KonMari Method™ encourages tidying by category – not by location – beginning with clothes, then moving on to books, papers, komono (miscellaneous items), and, finally, sentimental items. Keep only those things that speak to the heart, and discard items that no longer spark joy. Thank them for their service – then let them go.”

There are six basic rules to tidying (apparently).

1  Commit yourself to tidying up.
Imagine your ideal lifestyle.
Finish discarding first.
Tidy by category, not by location.
Follow the right order.
Ask yourself if it sparks joy.

But, Marie, what if a majority of your stuff does “spark joy”?!

I admit, I have quite a collection of items that could be released (and many have!). I do have a hard time parting with items such as…books!

Marie says she keeps her book collection to around 30.

Excuse me, WHAT?!

Since Marie has made it to Netflix, she has gained what seems like overnight notoriety with her methods to help individuals de-clutter and choose joy.









I will admit, while it is a work in progress (personally), letting go lightens up the load quite literally but also in other areas of life.

If your interest has been sparked; You can find out more about Marie Kondo and her tidy ways, here!

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