#NationalPorkMonth – Aric Made Breakfast Burritos

burrito pic

A delicious way to start the day!

October is National Pork Month, and we are celebrating with the Missouri Pork Producers.  Each Monday a different Clear Crew member is bringing in a dish to share and this week was Aric’s turn…

Aric’s recipe:

1 pound of sausage plus 12 eggs equals 12 breakfast burritos…

Brown Breakfast pork sausage in skillet…(Use spicy sausage if you like it hot!)

Dices peppers and onion and sautee in skillet with salt/pepper/garlic

Crack 12 eggs into a bowl…ad desired milk and cheese…

Make 12 fluffy scrambled eggs…then mix in sausage/peppers and onions once eggs are done…

Now spread out your tortillas and add favorite sauce/salsa…then a layer of cheese and then your egg/sausage/pepper mixture…

Wrap your burrito and throw in the air fryer or oven for 5-6 minutes to crisp up the burrito shell…

Serve with your favorite sauces/salsas…

Our family LOVES these and we hope you do too!